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-Saturday, February 28, 2009-

Happy day!!!! Managed to get myself a top and a skirt from a taiwan spree.. cheap cheap somemore.... but gotta wait for like dunno how long.. haha....

Went to compass point just now to get some stuff... and guess wad... Singaporeans are realli kiasu la.... all the ATMS super long queue... think there are 5 ATMs inside compass point and all full.... tml then 1st March wad... so fast want to get the GST credits le.... but actually the amount was credited on 27th Feb lo... hahaha.... clever me check using ibank.. bleh...

thats all folks.. sweet dreams

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 9:28 PM ♥

-Friday, February 27, 2009-

Good news!!! reformatted my lappy this morning.... its finally moving at my desired speed.. no nid send for servicing le... thanks to my cousin who asked me to format.... but spend alot of time installing programs...

Today is another slacking day for me.... spent most of my time on facebook playing stupid applications.... also spent the afternoon looking for cute emoticon for my newly downloaded msn... super bo liao....

Haven been slping well again.... eyes wanna close oreadi but just cant slp.... JIU MING AH!!!!!

To my Laopos : Yes!!! Super long nvr chat online... Shall make it a point to meet up man.... haven seen Rara and FY before leh... keke...

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 8:27 PM ♥

-Thursday, February 26, 2009-

Tired.... Been a long day...

Woke up at 4.30am ( wad a crazy woman rite??? ).... so decided to stare at my lappy till 6am before i start to prepare for the day...

Attended a course at Great Eastern today... An IT course regarding their online system... started at 9.30am and ended at 6pm... kinda boring cuz everything was so technical... the lecturer went so fast when she found that she dun have enuff... and i end up shutting off my brain towards the last part of the course...

This wasted my one whole day.... and this is only one-fifth of the compulsory courses that i am supposed to attend....

OK!!! cannot take it anymore.... i am off to bed!!!!

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 10:43 PM ♥

-Wednesday, February 25, 2009-

Morning all... woke up at 6.30am... cuz staying over at auntie's hse... auto wake up after 8 hours of slp.. haha..
Shall do a summary of wad caused the delay of my dear blog...
Been in hospital twice in the past 2 months.... total of 14 days... and on MC for another 14 days....
Countdown to 2009 in the hospital and luckily i saw firewoks from my ward.. LOL!!!
Then in there again right after new year :(
All in all, missed lessons like mad... Hopefully I will managed to smoke thru this last sem... i would not want to flunk like one module and stay somemore...

On a happy note, just sign a so called contract/agreement with Great Eastern... will be starting to attend courses when i am free... den can start selling policies... peeps... interested in buying insurance remember to look for me ah... let me earn some commission... haha...

And lastly, this wk of sch break shall keep me busy trying to catch up my work and also those projects.... ( but not realli in study mood leh)...

Jia You!!!!

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 7:28 AM ♥

-Monday, February 23, 2009-

Yeah!! Finally succeeded after several attempts to set up a decent looking blog. Tired after looking at the html codes hours. Gonna take a rest before i get back here.

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 4:38 PM ♥

About Me♥

Only 23. Not any older.
Proud to be Cancer
Single & Available.
Simply live in Singapore
23/06/1986 is remembered.

♥Best viewed with Morzilla Firefox♥

Notice!!! ♥

Attention Please
welcome to my space

Hey peeps .

This is my blog ,
& I write anything I want .
So if I write anything nasty ,
its not your right to comment me.
Cause, I love the way I am .
Place your name down .
Your lovely name sure suits you .
So, dont throw your name away .
Tag before leaving .
No spamming .
No Vulgarities .
Enjoy :DD
Please respect it .

Must Have!!!! ♥

pencil case
e-sign pad


music box code here.


Editor: %CK%
Designer: %GazeLove%
