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-Saturday, May 30, 2009-

Addicted to 终极三国 recently.... Its realli lame but its the lameness that makes the show nice... haha... great way to relax...at the same time, it makes me wanna go and read 三国演义again... shall giv a brief description for those who dunno wad is it abt...

basically, 终极三国 is the 3rd show after 终极一班and终极一家... some sort of continuation but not realli related... haha.. its based on characters from 三国 and yet not totally the same... funny elements are added, changes are made to the history and it turn out to be super entertaining... and of course, realli 佩服 the scriptwriter.. how can he come up with so many lines which are funny and yet still sounds correct... and how he change the way the phrases should be used... haha... ppl feeling stress shld go and watch... but pls dun take it too seriously and end up comparing this drama and the real 三国.. dun end up even more stress... haha....

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 1:38 PM ♥

-Thursday, May 28, 2009-

been some time since i post.... been busy with work at GE... never ending training...

was helping my cousin with his sch project... 2 accounting questions.... after hlping him ah, i realise i am old la.... some stuff forget le still nid go flip year one book... haha... eh... remember u owe me one ah... waiting for ur treat ah... 2 questions killed how many of my brain cells lo... haha...

and yea... i finally found time to go to the 'new' Jurong Point. its super big and cold.... the brightness in there caused me headaches lo.... and i think it has turned into a maze la... it seems that no matter how i walk, i wont pass by the same shop twice... so end up, i jus bought a top and gave up... haha...

oh ya... went cold calling also at some eunos industrial park.... quite wu loo... but okay la... a special experience... there are nice ppl out there but also weirdos... hehe...

laopos... let meet up soon oh.... see you all at tanjong pagar wor....

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 5:34 PM ♥

-Tuesday, May 12, 2009-

haiz.... actually i wanted to post just now cuz i am super angry with someone i met... i was attending course the whole day so i cant complain to anyone.... i thought i could just vent my anger here... then now i realise... its super hard to describe the whole scenario in words... so i shall jus briefly say wad happened...

Its not that i am biased against ppl from the country C.... but ppl that i met are ridiculously irritating.... ok... first of all.... they are super self-centered... they literally ignore wad ppl says and makes them repeat like hell... they ask stupid questions when we feel that those are common sense... they insist on something when it obviously doesnt work that way.. and most importantly, they make decisions that makes no sense... i sometimes realli wonder where is their logic.. i tot ppl from that country shld be quite clever if they can manage to come here to study??? and staying in spore for 5 yrs shld be enough for them to adjust rite?? y are they still bugging on stuffs that can be easily solved.

jus one example... wad will u do first when u are going to hav lunch at a super crowded place?? so you look for seats first or do u make orders first? most commonly, ppl ensure that they hav seats b4 they make orders rite? ( or am i wrong?? if thats the case then i am the odd one)

lets just assume that i am rite... ok so that lady did the opposite!!! she told me to look for a seat while she order her food.. and now do u see the problem? i look for seat... how does she know if i can find one? and if i found one, how she knows where am i and wad table number is she gg to tell the stallholder? and the other scenario.. wad if her food is ready and i still cant find a seat?? we stand at eat????

and so... that is only one example of wad happened so can u imagine other things that happened which added onto my anger??? ROAR!!!

okie dokie... i am done with venting.... but sad to say... i hav to see her again tml.. wish me luck and pray hard that i survive....

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 9:09 PM ♥


Good morning!!! Decided to post something b4 i head off for my GE course...

Yesterday, i went for some marketing talk in office... by the time i left, it was already 6pm. as u all know, that is considered peak hour rite??? so i went to board mrt at city hall... for those of u who have been to city hall mrt at this kind of timing shld be able to imagine the amount of ppl... YES!! i use the word amount!!! so since i am not that kiasu and hav some time to spare, i hav decided not to squeeze into the train... so i waited till the 6th train b4 i managed to get in... so in the process i saw something stupid....

I'm sure all of u know that city hall mrt is underground rite? so 2 doors b4 u enter the train.. guess wad i saw??!!! one stupid guy trying to squeeze into the train... and obviously he cant get in la... ok so the door of the train close... and we know that now the door outside will close... and i dunno wad this guy was doing la... he didnt back off lo... he just let the door close and kacha.... the door "ate" his hair and nose.... imagine the number of ppl who saw this!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!! kiasu until nose oso dun wan....

on the side note, i hav a small complain.... i tot buses do go for servicing like once in a while??? then y is it that i always board buses that hav leaking aircons on rainy days??? DO u know that the few seats is very impt when the bus is super crowded???

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 7:37 AM ♥

-Sunday, May 10, 2009-

Been some time since i post... spent my last wk attending GE course... and its gonna be a packed wk ahead... courses and talks to attend... so long nvr realli sit in class to listen le.. haha...

AND most imptly, my Bintan trip is cancelled!!!! Partly due to our dear swine flu... and also because they feel that the duration of the trip is too short.... so there goes my overseas trip!!!!

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 9:34 PM ♥

About Me♥

Only 23. Not any older.
Proud to be Cancer
Single & Available.
Simply live in Singapore
23/06/1986 is remembered.

♥Best viewed with Morzilla Firefox♥

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