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-Thursday, August 27, 2009-

It has been so long since i blogged. This is the 3rd week into school. 10 more weeks to go.. Its only the start and projects are already piling.. Reports and reports to submit.. But luckily, most of the tutors this semester is quite alright.. Forensic Science is fun!!! But the Chemistry part of it is hypnotizing ( sounds weird to say this)..... Looking forward to guest lecture next week.. Wonder what kind of photos the guest lecturer is gonna show us.. FYI.. he warned us that its going to be... erm... you know what i mean... haha.. Gambatte.. 10 wks to go... Gambatte to Rara laopo who is starting work!!!

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 6:00 PM ♥

-Monday, August 3, 2009-

最近闲着没事就上网晃晃。。 由于非常爱终极三国,就上了官网看看。。。 (好啦,我其实什么戏都爱啦。。哈哈!!)

我要说的是。。我还以为我已经是很严重的中戏毒,如戏太深。。原来还有人跟恐怖。。。官网内超多骂战。。 说什么谁抢了谁的戏, 还做人身攻击。。 你们是不是太无聊了啊。。 谁出现的多,不是演员能控制的吧,他们只是照着剧本演。。谁跟谁配也不是我们说了算。。毕竟戏还是戏,他们又不是真的要在一起。。 你们干嘛那么气。。每个演员都是用心在做,就算你不喜欢他,也没必要用苛刻的言语辱骂他。。

戏剧就是让我们解闷的。。何不开开心心地看戏呢?再怎么吵,它还是戏。。。而且这戏还边拍边播,如果大家吵一吵,编剧就把剧情更换,把演员戏份减少,那戏不就会怪怪的。。 也会减低大家观看的兴趣。。。

我发现我好啰嗦哦。。其实也不管我的事。。 哈哈。。


*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 5:52 PM ♥

About Me♥

Only 23. Not any older.
Proud to be Cancer
Single & Available.
Simply live in Singapore
23/06/1986 is remembered.

♥Best viewed with Morzilla Firefox♥

Notice!!! ♥

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Must Have!!!! ♥

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e-sign pad


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