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-Friday, October 23, 2009-

Shall write something before i leave for school.... will be having a presentation later and i haven finish memorising my 1.5 pages script... wish me luck... and for the next 2 days, i have to rush out a 3 page individual report plus a 25 pages group report.. wish me luck too... then lastly, one more quiz to go... okie dokie... off to memorising again...

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 7:23 AM ♥

-Monday, October 19, 2009-

大家好!!! 好久没有上来了。。。实在太忙了啦。。。忙着写报告还有测验。。。
呵呵。。不知道要写啥好呢?? 对了,向大家推荐一部偶像剧:下一站,幸福。
我在偷懒时看的。。 虽然剧情是那么的洒狗血,可是是难得一见的比较好看的偶像剧。

Ok.. now for the sake of people who can't understand the chinese words, i shall type some in english... haha... i know i am very sarcastic... Been busy these days with reports and quizzes..Glad that i actually pass my forensic quiz without studying for it.. haha.. but i think my 301 quiz ah.. if i dont get 0, i will be super happy.. i feel so dumb... its open book, and i actually read through that chapter before the quiz.. and so zhun, the whole question is on that chapter.. and i still dunno how to do... everyone got different answers... but nvm, its only a 6%!!!! its week 11, meaning 4 more wks to exam... jia you to myself!!! and to laopos out there... jiayou for ur work oh....

*Flutes playing beautiful melodies
- 4:00 PM ♥

About Me♥

Only 23. Not any older.
Proud to be Cancer
Single & Available.
Simply live in Singapore
23/06/1986 is remembered.

♥Best viewed with Morzilla Firefox♥

Notice!!! ♥

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Must Have!!!! ♥

pencil case
e-sign pad


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Designer: %GazeLove%
